Chris Sloanes
I’m a photographer, youtuber and travel guide writer. This is the home of my thoughts, tips and projects.

Announcing My First Photo Zine - Four Mile Loop
I'm excited to announce the launch of my first photo zine, "Four Mile Loop." It's a Limited Edition 40-page photography zine printed on A5 170gsm Recycled Silk paper.
The project began as a journey around my local area, a path I've walked hundreds of times. It opened up a new door for me, allowing me to see and appreciate this walk in a new light.

Analog Lessons.
For someone who arrived at the party after the mainstream film era had ended, going back from digital to film kind of felt like a dark art.
I've likened it to a foreign student learning English and then being dropped in Newcastle. The language is technically the same, but words mean different things, and there are new words you have never heard before that mean things you don’t entirely understand.